It was a Thursday. As usual a school day. Woke up at 6.30 am and got dressed as usual. Today, we had to mendaki Bkt. Pelindung. Seriusly, this is like the 2nd day i'm going to school after PMR ends.
We had to berkumpul and the teacher was giving some lectures and stuff..I was not listening, was concentrating more on my Twilight book.
--> Twilight book is quite interesting to read..especially Edward Cullen is hot in it!! ( Omg, i'm becoming more like Jocelyn!!) Kidding!
Back to the story, i was too engrossed in my Twilight until i didin't notice my discipline teacher was shouting at those asrama students for coming to school wearing the wrong " tudung " .. she was standing right in front of me and i was freaking out like hell!!
U must be wondering why am i freaking out right..?? Erm, I highlighted my hair maroon-ish red.. and it can be obviously seen when i'm sitting down.. She was just a few feet away from me and i HAVE to do something!! She was getting closer to me. DAMM !! Think Aruni, Think!!
I couldn't do much!! So i took my Twilight book and pretend to read it while i quickly clip my fringe up while hiding behind Bernice. Finally! she just walk pass wihtout noticing my hair. Oh, Thank God !! Close call. The whole day i'm just trying to be as FAR as possible from my school HEM and also my so-called discipline teacher.
So, around 8++ .. we started off to Bkt Pelindung. I just put on my earphone and hear songs all the way to there. I couldn't do much right.. The route is like naik Bkt Pelindung - Masuk the hutan way - come out at TC - walk back to school.
Around 10.00 , we reached TC. FINALLY!! I WAS DYING FOR WATER !! I ran to Mc Donalds to buy the Mc Value Meal. Ate so bersemangat-ly and the Milo Ais - Oh man..It taste really good.
We were just loitering around in TC for like 2 hours. Some students played at the beach.Some slept.Some played cards. Just this one gul busy reading Twilight - Yes, that would be me. LOL
It was around 12.30 when we decided to go back to school.Another long distance to walk back. Ahh! I was aksed to lead the WHOLE GROUP back to school. Damm, of ALL the students , why ME ?? I had to walk in front and good thing - my friends were there with me. Chatted all the way back to school.
Reached school. Went straight to canteen to wash my face and to fix my hair. Found a nice comfortable spot.Put on my earphone and continue reading my Twilight until school ends.
Went back home. Took a nice cold shower + wash my hair.Skipped my lunch.Slept till 9.30pm. Woke up feeling dizzy ( didin't eat ) and sick ( slept with my hair wet ) and continued reading Twilight until 4.00 am - I just wanna finish reading it!
FRIDAY - 7th of November 2008
Woke up at 6.30 as usual for school. Fnished reading my Twilight. Played SPEED with my friends till school ends.
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