Its my birthday today!! woohoo !!
Got up at 12.Late as usual.Took my shower.Came down.Everything seem so quiet.Saw my mum and my dad in the living hall. My dad wished me.
I'm having a birthday party today and i invited my close friends.. so i was so eager for my party..hehe.. Had my lunch at this one chinese shop near old town. Trust me , They sell the-most-sedap chicken rice there..
So i lazed around at home. I was chatting with this ONE friend. He got a PSP , 2 Handphones , 5 Adidas shoes and super lots of $$$ but he can't afford to buy me another PSP !!! C'mon , its only 800 bucks la !! Haha.. we chatted untill 5 when i had to prepare some stuff for my party..
Once everything done, i went and took my shower. Wanted to wear this new tropicana shirt and jeans but my mum said no. How sad. I had to wear this dress-type of blouse with jeans instead. But i look nice in it. :)
Sharp 7, Jy came. Damm early! Then Bernice.Jay wen.Quek.Jordan.Lee.Then i forget who was the next to come. I didin't know my dad invited a few of his friends + family. So, can say the crowd was big.
Once everyone was here, my mum brought out the cake.Chocolate cheese cake.Oh wow!! Everyone gathered around me and started singing the " Happy Birthday " song. Awww.. dat's so sweet u guys!! Made a wish.Cut the cake.Gave a slice to my parents.Hugged them.Thanked them.
Eating time!! There were all kinds of food there. Fried rice,mee hun,salad,chicken etc etc etc..But i wasn't hungry. My friends were enjoying the food!!
It started raining.Lagi syok!!
I had plan this one interesting game. So after eating, we all start playing it. Its something like once the song start, u have to pass the ball, if the song stop, and if u got the ball, u have to do a dare. If u can't do the dare, u'll get splashed with water !! Hearing bout getting wet, this 4 boys : Afiq,Hafiz,Aznan,Nafiis wanted to go back.They don't want to get themselves wet. PUSSY !! WHIMP !! Or in Nazim's words, GOT NO BALLS !!! * I know, i can be mean sometimes *
So left 12 of us : Me, Nazim, Jay Wen, Quek, Lee, Jordan, Qistina, Jaycee, Jasmine, Jocelyn, Bernice and Jy . Let the game begin!! Song started, they start passing the coke bottle. I know what are you guys wondering.. why coke bottle right ?? Haha, i couldn't find my basketball so i had to use the coke bottle. Dares begin.Bernice had to roll on the floor.Jocelyn had to smell AND kiss her shoes.Jasmine had to drink half cup of thick syrup.Jordan had to take off his shirt and swing it up like a cowboy. Quek had to show his flirtous move. Qistina had to kiss a guy on the cheek. * I know u guys must be wondering who she had kissed right..Haha solve the puzzle by urself!! *I remembered Jay Wen was the FIRST one to get splashed !! I Splashed water right at his face!! Haha, then more people get splashed with cold water. Left Jasmine and Qistina.They're still dry. All of us are targeting them!! Fortunately, it was Qistina's turn. She had to answer a simple question bout me.
ME : What is my two favourite brand ??
QISTINA : Err, adidas..??
ME : and..??
QISTINA : err,nike..??
ME : NOPE !! Its Tropicana Life and Wild Channel !! Prepare to get splashed!!
QISTINA : NOOO!!!! * Running away from me *
But at last, she still got wet!! Muahahaha!! Now, target : Jasmine!! Its her turn now. Another question bout me. She couldn't answer it. She got wet !! Haha !! So the entire people got wet. Left the dry one : ME !! All eyes staring at me. Then came up Jordan's GREAT idea.
JORDAN : Since Aruni is the only one dry, let us take turn to splash bucket of water at her!!
OTHERS : YES !!! I AGREE * Jocelyn was the most excited one *
Yea, i DID get splashed with cold water. There were eleven of us so i got splashed 11 times + 3 extra from Jocelyn.She wanna balas dendam cuz i got her wet 4 times when she couldn't do my dare. We are all wet.Continued playing water. Untill 12.
After that, we all got tired. The guls wanna change their clothes. Qistina and Jocelyn had to borrow mine. Then came everyone's favourite part : Camwhore momment !! Haha, not really camwhore la.. But we were just snapping pictures with our funny acts!! Especially me and Nazim.Simple us.
One after one, everyone had to go back. Then now's the hardest part : Clean the whole house. I start by clearing the plates and stuff outside. Nazim was with me.. No no, he did not stay to help me out, but the reason he's still here?? JUST TO GET HIS HANDS ON MY MURUKKU !!! After finishing my murukku, He went back home.Haiz.
The house was clean.Took a long nice shower. Went down. Watched Stomp The Yard a lil while.Too tired.Dozed off.That would be around 3 in the morning. Next day,woke up at 1.30 in the afternoon.Late as usual.
Well, I really had fun and i hope you guys did too!! And thanks for coming guys!! Weeeeee!!!

PS : I can't put ALL the pics so i selected a few ones.. :)
Aruni M
Hey girl!! Nice birthday party!!
omg i miss qistina
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