Thursday, September 24, 2009

Raya. Mercun. Raya. Mercun. Raya.

Selamat Hari Raya people. Duit Raya mane?

Okay, so on the first day of Raya, I went to Nazim's house. Before I went to his place, I stopped by at another of my neighbour's house. Apparently, Nazim was there. Before we went back to his place, we saw Jason in the car, with Jordan & Quek. Hitched a ride with them to McD to get some ice-creams. When we were back, Kristyl & Adelene were already there, waiting. =)

It was fun. It was enjoyable. It was very raya-ish. LOL.

The Raya Mode.

More pictures, JASON TEE'S BLOG!

Selamat Hari Raya again. =)

Aruni M.

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