You know there's a funfair on the way to Gambang? The one that is situated beside Giant? Yeah, I'm talking about that funfair. I went there.
Well, this is the last day for Andrea and her family to be in Malaysia. They will be leaving back to Switzerland tomorrow, after lunch. As this will be their last night, my mum took them to the Euro Funfair. I was suppose to go for chemistry tuition but change of plan, Jonas & Simon wanted me to tag along. ( I can't say no, of course.)
I had to call Danesh at first, to ask for direction. Here how it goes :
Me : Eh, where's the funfair?
Danesh: Beside Giant.
Me : Giant as in on the way to Gambang right?
Me : Yea lah, wait. Which Giant are you talking about??
Danesh: I don't know lar..
Then I had to call him back again:
Me : Eh, how many minutes it takes for you to go there?
Danesh: Around 10 minutes.
Me : Yea lah, Giant as in on the way to Gambang lar!
Danesh: Oh, really ar?
-___________- ..... He suck at giving direction, seriously.
So we went there and the place was okay. There were not many people there at that time.There were quite a number of games there,it would be fun probably..
The first game I went with Simon, was the Sky Dropper. Something like Solero shot in Genting Highlands, but of course its not that high here..
I went for almost ALL the games.. NO, not the merry-go-round or the sky dropper.. I'm talking bout round- spinning- 360 degree- turning game!!! And my head was spinnig like crazy after that..~
The last we went was the Bumper Car. Heh, I love bumper car. But thanks to that, I injured myself pretty badly..How?
When I was busy bumping other cars,lol, my knee hit hard somewhere. I can't remember! Once the game was over, and when I step out of the car.. I noticed there were blood stains on my jeans. I rolled up my my jeans and guess what.. A huge deep cut on my knee and I think, my flesh can be seen and blood was flowing out of it like water.. I must have hit hard then~
I tried fanning the wound using my hands to cool down the burning, but apparently I made it more worse!! On top of that, I was literally in tears every single time my wound got wet and the burning was hell..!! Real smart eh? *smacks forehead*
Trying to be smarter than the doctor, I didn't bandage it and the wound got worse the next few days and of course, more bleeding.. It hurts.. =(
The next day, Andrea and her family went back. God, I'm gonna miss those two boys..!!
Pictures :
Euro Wheel
I love this! xD
Avril Lavigne?
Bumper Car! Ahh, my injury~
Simon & Jonas!
Simon & I. =)
Aruni M.
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