12th July 2009
So, it was time for my brother to go back to Australia after 10 days staying here. Though he has not finished his driving course, he is one heck of a driver! Driving all around Kuantan without license.. Insane, I'd say. Heh, speaking of breaking the rules eh...?? =]
We left to KL around lunch time.
As we were reaching Subang, something interesting happened..
We saw a Ferrari, yeah.. A RED FERRARI half-speeding on the highway to Subang! Woots, how awesome was that?! Probably a dude driving it, i guess.. It was heading the same direction as we are so.. My dad played a lil game with him.. LoL
(Oh c'mon, we wanted to see who's driving that freaking car!!)
We were technically speeding with that Ferrari.. (I don't know, 160km/h -> 180km/h maybe??) Benz S-class against Ferrari?? Whoa, one whacky journey man!! Just as we were ABOUT to see who the driver was ............ DANG!!!
My dad had to make a turn at the right. -_______-
Heh, that was interesting.xD
My mum had to take me to Asia Cafe for dinner. (I was complaining too much about my gastric. lol.) I love that place. Just soo many *cough* VIEWS *cough* to see.. especially Starbucks.Haha nahh, kidding! xD
We stayed at my uncle's place for one night, since his flight is tomorrow. And my landing --> ON THE COUCH. Sleeping there tonight.
** Pillows come flying at me, that is how I woke up the next day. Real smart, sis.**
13th July 2009
We headed towards the airport to send my brother off.
After that, we ronda.
My dad went for his meeting at Prince Court. We went all around Masjid Jamek.
Stopped by at a saree shop, and I was dozing off there.. WHY? Because I don't understand why grown-ups take forever to just choose one saree..?? =='
Our next stop, KLCC.
Oh oh, I bought a Fedora hat for myself! Weeee~~~!!!!
Later at night, my dad picked us up and we headed back to Kuantan.
Next day, SCHOOL. Crap!
Double click that picture and see what's written on her shirt! Awww... xD

Aruni M.