4th June 2009
I'm gonna skip Physics today.
Okay, so we had our prom night thingy. I wore a tube dress that my mum bought from Bali. It was nice, simple and nice.
I went there around 7 and met up with the twins and Jo. Saw the others there too.. We waited almost 40 minutes for the Highness, Tengku Nazim *!!* and after getting the tickets we went it..
Just like every other nights there's dancing, singing and yada yada yada.. I was with my I-Touch most of the time. =)
cErEmOnY aT tHe AvEnUe ROCKS!!!
After the prom, we were the last one there. 12 of us ; Me, Nazim, Jc, Jasmine, Jocelyn, Kupix, Marcus, JT, Vicknesh, Shak, Paul, Kambing walked to Alif Restoran and makan there. Went back at 1.30am. Sent Kupix and Nazim home.
"Mamak Goreng satu!" (Haha, inside joke) XD
While eating..
Jc : "Eh, let's fly kites tomorrow!!"
Kupix : *Started laughing and looking at me weirdly*
Me : That line..is..so..familiar.. @.@
and you know what will happen next..LOL
Prom Night is over already..
We took pictures, of course.
The Band,Ceremony at the Avenue!

Jocelyn, the singer.

Jason Tee, the asian version of Jason Mraz. =)

Yo Shak, what were you trying to do?


Ai Ven. She did something interesting on stage. XD

Eevonne. Her gown,beautiful.

Hey, Kahwai looks innocent here! =)


Group Picture. We all look retarded here..

I favour this!! XD

It was a great night,overall.
PS : I'll post up the pictures from Nazim's camera soon. =)