5th of January 2009
MY FIRST DAY IN FORM 4 First day of school and i'm so pissed!!! I HATE MY SCHOOL!!!!!!!!
First day of school is always the same... Students were sorted out to their classes..Freshmens being super blur as usual.. New teachers coming in.. New PRINCIPAL..bla bla bla.. same old stuff lar...
So during assembly, Pn.Nor Asmara were giving a speech about this and that, school rules and lastly bout PMR results... The school were so-called 'happy' with our results as 44 of us got straight A's..And she called out those who got straight A's to stand in front.I was called. It was so awkward!! All eyes were like on me... Creepy...
After assembly, Form 4 students were asked to go to the hall for some speech bout Science stream and Art stream..and that's where my mood was out..
This teacher, she said something bout us choosing on what stream to go to and also choosing our own subjects and stuff. Most of us had already decided on what subjects we're taking.
Then.. OUT OF NOWHERE, she told us no need to 'worry' as the teachers had already chosen what stream and subjects we are going to take. They had even sorted out our classes according to the subjects that they had chosen for us.. Like WTF, right??
The classes were :
~ 4 Canggih - Physics, Chem, Bio, Add Maths and Accounts
~ 4 Cekal - Physics, Chem, Bio, Add Maths and Accounts
~ 4 Ceria - Physics, Chem, Bio, Add Maths and Geography/ICT
~ 4 Cerdik - Physics, Chem, Bio, Add Maths and Geography/ICT
~ 4 Cerdas - Add Maths, Perdagangan, Ekonomi Asas and Geography
I was assigned in 4 Canggih - I'm ok with it, my friends who's also in the same class with me, I'm ok with the subjects but just one thing..Accounts.
I dun mind taking Accounts but it won't do any help to me in the future so its not really necessary for me to take Accounts. ( So i'm planning to drop accounts ) My friend helped me to asked the teacher whether will it be ok if we can drop a subject and she said NO strictly. She said its a must and bla bla bla....
Not only that, WE'LL ONLY END OUR SCHOOL AT 3.30 pm. BLAH!!!!
I was like SO MAD the whole day. Not only me, but most of my friends were pretty upset too. Most of them were not satisfied with their classes. It seems that they have to write a letter to the Principal if they want to change their classes.. FREAKING LAME!!!
I dun think i can write anymore... If not, high possibilities of me BREAKING the computer then... So we'll just see what happens tomorrow then..
~ Aruni M